Text File | 1994-11-10 | 737 b | 3 lines | [TEXT/DLLL]
This is a sample letter. As you miy find it has a few spellling errors in it. This demo is quitee a simple one and doesn't make use of many features that SpellWright supports. For instance SpellWright will automatically tell you the type of capitalazation in a word, so you can determine particular punctuation errrors. It can also have up to 32 dictionaries of any type open at once. This demo allows only one of each. This demo also doesn't make use of the callback features of SpellWright. However it does give you an idea of the speed of SpellWright. This letter has sevral errors in it. Try it out.
You can also test the suggest dictionary. It is amoung the dictionaries with this demo. Open it up with the options menu.